SLACK Solutions
Was founded in a coffee shop in July 2014
by CK Chuang and Stephen Long in Auckland, New Zealand.
We were both early team members of the award-winning Right Hemisphere, the creators of the iconic applications like Deep Paint & Deep Paint 3D. We then moved onto Nextspace, a spin-off company of Right Hemisphere. This is where we gained our understanding of what makes for great visualisations and innovative application development.
With this history, knowledge, and experience we bring this to all our SLACK Solutions projects.
No Office Space
We are 100% an online company of like-minded individuals with a simple goal... “Develop the best software solutions possible” but do it from anywhere with an internet connection.
No Employees
Or as many as you need? Flexibility is our key. SLACK Solutions core team are based in NZ with a scalable development team based globally. We wanted the ability to grow a team to meet the customer's requirements for each project and keeping overheads low.
Bespoke Development
We have innovative
SLACK solutions for you
If you have a problem to resolve with 3D visualisations
on Desktop, Mobile, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality or Mixed reality solutions
You then need to talk to us...
THE SLACK Solutions Approach
The best comment we have gotten from a client was
“You guys just gets the job done, we are always confident that the SLACK Solutions team will get the job done. We have had many promises and seen nothing for it”

Quick Prototypes
When possible it's great to be able to prototype the development. Quick and dirty but visually close to the end result. Give the client the opportunity to get a look and feel of the end result.

Short Dev Iterations
With any distributed development effort keeping your team on a short leash is the way to go. It's agile in its approach which builds for excellent innovation and creativity we can move quickly to address any technical issues and client requests if needed.

Using a Microsofts DevOps platform allows SLACK Solutions developers seamless access to all the information they need to build our application. The system delivers any associated communication channel visible by the whole team regardless of where and when they want to develop.

UI and UX sign off
If you don't need your prototype to be fully functional then this can be an even quicker way to get user buy-in. The UX can be pencil sketches that walks you through the system, followed by the UI design which adds in the details of an overall look and feel

Get Testing ASAP
With short Development cycles in place, means testing can get started quickly. Where possible Automate testing to incrementally improve our build quality and keep development honest. They can't push a build that fails initial tests.

A simple quick method of self-improvement for the team again this is held as part of the project delivery but give SLACK Solutions to gather what working and what not at the time of the issue.
"Failing is good just don’t repeat the same mistakes"
Some wise person…
If any of this lights up an idea that you might like to discuss please feel free to get in touch this